Auto grille spray free ASA

Successful case - SAIC KIRIN Grille

Product name: KIRIN Grille

Client: SAIC Group

Material: Spray coating-free ASA

Effect: Aesthetic Plastic COLORFUL-IN® Starlight Glitter Effect


Customer requirements:

To meet the needs of the current "China-Chic" of the automobile industry, it mainly focuses on personalized grilles.

The grilles need to have a high degree of design freedom and a realistic appearance effect of "Dragon scale".



The market's pioneer injection molding of colored particles with starlight glittering effect enhances the strengths and avoids weaknesses of the ASA plastic's flip-flap effect, avoids surface defects through structural design, and uses the injection molding process to achieve the effect that is highly close to the metal glittering spray paint. The flip-flap effect and layer-by-layer effect of the starlight glittering texture not only makes the color and texture of the product deeper, but also allows the glossy surface and dark surface of the product to form a unique glossy rhythm, allowing the "emerging" lines more concise and full of tension.

The customized ASA material design can not only achieve the appearance of color and texture, but also ensure excellent mechanical properties, excellent impact resistance and rigidity while ensuring the landing performance, and escort safety. From ordinary injection molding to colored injection molding - the seamless switching of appearance, structure and mold overcomes the 24 plastic intakes of the bonding lines, flat shading, and tiger skin patterns that are also common in ordinary injection molding, and precisely controls the position of bonding lines.

Workpiece photo:



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